The time at Gamestop is always fun people are friendly conversation goes everywhere starting with video games to life to politics to childhood dreams. I want to encourage readers and followers of this blog to reach for that one thing you want to do, should of done, dreamt of doing. We humans have these things that pop in our head, especially the creative types that we are afraid to chase. We tell ourselves no one will care or people will think we are foolish, I say go for it!! Risk, Try, make a run for it you don't want to be 75 years old say woulda, shoulda, coulda. Here some of the things people have communicated with me what their 1000 hours will be.
Learn to play a Musical instrument. 2 people
Do community service. 2 people
Work ( this person has been ill and hasn't been working for a while)
Be active, walk or run for a 1000 miles.
Some Art I did at GAMESTOP
5 hours ......940 to go...
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