In Western art history the dove symbolizes purity and is used to represent the Holy Spirit, if you have seen Icons or old church art you will see the dove, The Bible talks about the Spirit appeared as a dove over Jesus during his Baptism. As I have been to many of the finest cathedrals and basilicas in Europe there is usually a dove over the pulpits and the baptisteries. In Christianity, the Holy Spirit is the is the third person of the Trinity. As part of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit is equal with God the Father and with God the Son.

Jesus with prayer shawl. A tallit is worn during the morning prayers (Shacharit) on weekdays, Shabbat and holidays. The tallit has special twined and knotted fringes known as tzitzit attached to its four corners.
Acrylic on Canvass 5 hours

Jesus Man of Sorrows
Acrylic on Canvass 5 hours

Holy Spirit with a painterly style which is more like my style.
Acrylic on Canvass 4 hours
The wool tallit (also sometimes spelled Tallith) is a Prayer Shawl worn by Jewish men and women after they reached their Bar Mitzvah (13th Jewish Birthday) for boys or Bat Mitzvah (12th Jewish Birthday) for girls.