Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Painting and Ink Brush

Still painting but limited with my palette but I will press on. I have to think and act on I cant accumulate to many things(paint and supplies) because I have to be mobile. And being an Art history guy I decided to work on different genres and styles on my subject this one being Jesus. Being the most controversial person in history and the most written about and for sure the most painted , drawn, and sculpted. I will probably do about 50 or so mixing mashing them together MashArt. maybe a different view or take on Him. i hope you enjoy please leave comments good or bad.

Matisse Jesus 5 hours acrylic on canvas

Jesus on the Cross Back view 7 Hours Acrylic on canvas
I have always understood Jesus hung naked for the sins of everyone, but all the Art has him covered. Out of respect no doubt, I just put a view where I didn't have to cover him this way.

Impressionism Jesus with Byzantine Halo 6 hours Acrylic on canvas

Grungy Jesus 7 hours Acrylic on canvas

Views from the National in London done with ink brush pen and some pencil.

More Baggage views
Hint of Steampunk 5 hours Acrylic on Canvas Bag

33 hours in this post
475 hours 45 minutes down
524 hours and 15 minutes to go!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Painting Frenzy, Quick sketches at ARA, Cafe people.

As I add these and since I haven't added much lately I wanted ya'll (I am from Texas translation you all) to know I have been painting a lot. I love it more than drawing. In reality i like to draw with more permanent mediums markers, paintbrushes, ink etc. I don't mind my mistakes or happy accidents that happen, I like it more because of the human element. What I don't like is the explaining of why it is skewed or crooked or off colored, the true answer is am all those things....skewed or crooked or off colored.

Painted this on my suitcase so it would standout from the others and it would like someone was peaking out
Acrylic 3 hours 30 minutes

Graphite 10 minutes cafe drawing

Graphite 10 minutes cafe drawing

Graphite 10 minutes cafe drawing

5 minutes Ink drawing at ARA

5 minutes Ink drawing at ARA

45 minutes Ink and Markers Figure Study

Markers and Acrylic on Bamboo Paper from on the fountains I saw in Vienna I was in a Chagal mood
4 hours 30minutes

1 hour more on this earlier work

THese next few are various works about Jesus done in different styles average 5 hours each

Black and white Raphael Jesus

Manga Jesus

Dreadlock Jesus

Sunday, May 16, 2010

More Sketches from ARA and some people on the plane

RECAP.. The Breaking down of the figure to 10-16 lines is no easy task this was my attempt. I also want you to know I spent 3- 5 minutes on finishing the goal was to stay to just a few lines, I did it small then I rushed in with my loose style, yeah I got off the reservation.

first with few lines

Then with loose lines

first with few lines

Then with loose lines

5 minutes of a girl waiting on theBathroom on the plane

1 Hour of Asia teen asleep on the plane a row up from me.

crosshatched doodle 15 minutes

5 minutes of a woman a girl waiting on theBathroom on the plane

Friday, May 7, 2010

ARA sketching and Figure Drawing

The Breaking down of the figure to 10-16 lines is no easy task this was my attempt. I also want you to know I spent 3- 5 minutes on finishing the goal was to stay to just a few lines, I did it small then I rushed in with my loose style, yeah I got off the reservation.

first with few lines

Then with loose lines

first with few lines

Then with loose lines

first with few lines

Then with loose lines

Thursday, May 6, 2010

More Dark to Light

I Have a few Things I Have drawn at home I haven't taken pictures of my classroom work. My time at ARA has been a great learning experience, I am going away with some new ways of learning art. ARA is very different from other schools, and I know that not everyone agrees with it. I’ve heard the criticism that the sight-size academic method it leads to uniform results, or that it amounts to passive copying.
I see the immense benefit of this approach, it's like life drawing on steroids, for people without any formal training this is good to learn a strict discipline of building a form. On the other hand, and this is something I've never heard anyone bring up, what happens after all this form of training is done? Do the students learn how to construct imaginary figures or composition?

Here are a couple of drawing.

30 Minutes with a better view of the dark to light.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dark to Light

The drawing course I started yesterday at ARA Toronto was exhausting, my first day I was given an overview of the Bargue style. The course is a 3-4 year program for people who want learn the classical way of drawing, the masters there are talented and extremely helpful, especially for this artist. They are not arrogant even though they could be. I am especially thankful they are letting me participate in the learning process in the middle of the semester, I am doing only 5 days but I plan to soak up as much as I can.
The classical way of moving from light to dark is hard to master, My instructor stated we need to develop a new way of seeing, to catch the essence of sculptor on paper. It is like placing a light on an egg and seeing how light moves from dark to light smoothly and softly over the form of the egg.
Yeah drew for about 5 hours I am not counting these hours until the end of my time there.
I will post my finished product from the class but I practiced at my room with things I have lying around.

Egg 45 minutes

Sharpie 30 minutes

Bulldog clip 30 Minutes

Film holder on my coffee Table 30 minutes

2 hours 15 minutes
592 45 minutes to go!!!