I hit the Basspro Whataburger again More fish, I tried a Crappie, thats right I said it, where was he or she in line for names.
ADAM - Finally! this job is finally done I need a nap.
GOD - one more, you miss this one
ADAM - awe crap
God - What?
ADAM - He is a crappie, eerrh he just has that look.
Pencil 1 hour
Then I went inside, and sat in the Basspro's little coffee shop. it is too bad I couldn't get close to the Lion or the Polar Bear. Basspro does have a weird feel, like your being looked at, like the animals want to attack you. The stuff animal was the zoo of their day, people would come from all around to see how animals from other lands looked. Try explaining a platypus to anyone without a visual. I have a friend named Christina, she is from Spain, tell about when she was sitting at a cafe in Deep Elum, a rat the size of dog scared her. it carried other dogs on it's back. Yeah it was a possum but i have the internet.
Hey. here is the Deer Head on the wall.
Pencil 1 hour
21 HOURS .........979 to go
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